Simple to use employee performance management for better Employee Engagement and Development

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7 years ago
Employee Journal add-on for Employee Directory Pro WordPress Plugin provides a complete employee performance management system. You can create unlimited reviews, keep everyone posted with fully customizable follow-up emails and reminders. Employee Journal makes performance appraisal process easy by allowing unlimited competencies and sub-competencies. Depending on your review process, you can use 5 tier or directory default 2 tier role based review access to control who sees what. Employee Journal comes with full journaling capabilities to find reviews faster, attach relevant documents and review merge fields for speedy review process.SCRIPT OF THIS VIDEO*************************Hi This is Dara Duman from eMarket Design. In this video, I will introduce you the Employee Journal WordPress plugin.Employee Journal is an addon to Employee Directory Pro WordPress plugin. Employee Journal streamlines performance review process using an optional 5 tier user role based permission system. Each tier corresponds to a management level. Managers have access to the employee reviews below their level but can not access to the higher level employee reviews. For example, a manager can see the reviews of employees reporting to her but can not see her manager's reviews. If your organization does not need 5 tier system, you can use default employee and employee management roles.I will login as employee manager and create a review for one of the employees.Let's create a review for one of our employees. You can categorize journal entries by a category, sub category and set a follow up date. Let's enter a title and content for our review. 1You can also use the available tags to customize the review content. The tags used in the content are replaced after the journal entry is saved.A confirmation message is displayed as soon as Save button is clicked. Once saved, a journal entry can not be edited by the reviewing manager. However, managers can view the saved journal entries. As you can see the tags we used in the content were replaced by the actual values of the employee.Depending on the category, a specific color code is applied to the review row to help visually distinguish different types of reviews.In the review list, you can sort available columns or filter the ones you are interested in.If you'd like to print specific reviews for any reason, you can select the review by clicking on the checkbox and click on the Print button. Every review is printed on its own page.Let's login as Journal Admin. Journal admins can create new reviews, edit existing ones and have full access to the journal setup.You can view any review by clicking on a journal row. Let's edit the review we created as a manager and add some files.Once the files are saved, journal admins can delete them by reediting the same review.Let's see the journal Setup and configuration screens. In Journal Setup, admins can set the messages for* Confirmation message* New entry message* Follow up message* Reminder messageAdmins can use the tags available to customize messages. All email messages can be customized using HTML or simply sent in text. For new review entries, specific WordPress users can be selected as well. All messages can be sent on demand basis in addition to the automated daily basis. All logs of the latest sending is kept for testing purposes as well.Journal entries can be grouped by category and subcategory taxonomies. Admins can create, edit, delete journal taxonomies. They can also set the color codes for journal categories.Let's change the color code for Category 4 and click update.You can create one or more journal subcategories to further categorize journal entries. Let's create a new one.Let's check if the category color code we've just changed was applied to the category 4.eMarket Design designs and develops enterprise grade WordPress web apps based on WP App Studio professional WordPress design and development platformeMarket Design is the world's one and only enterprise WordPress web app design and development company using fully automated code generation process.